Android Tablets PC 1 Android tablets are the newest Aoson M12 way to catch up with your friends, browse the web and check out music and movies. They are usually just a solid, black slate and they shed the bulk and large keyboard usually associated with larger laptop pcs.If there is no keyboard though, then how do tablets work? How can you type anything?Every tablet has Window N5TOP what is known as a touchscreen. This is a screen that reacts to your touch, the same as your touchpad on your laptop. So instead of using a mouse to select icons on screen you can simply touch them with your finger or a plastic stylus (like a pen with no ink). But there more, as you can also weep?your finger across the screen to change page, play games and move icons.There are different types of touchscreen however, so let look at what they are and the differences between them:Resistive: These Superpad 3 touchscreens are a sandwich of layers that are very slightly apart. As you touch the screen and place pressure you will cause the layers to touch in a certain point and then your tablet will know that you have touched here and react accordingly. Perhaps opening an app or pausing a game.Their strengths are that they are pretty tough as they are usually made from a kind of plastic glass. Since they are relatively simple Newsmy K97 technology they are also quite cheap, so a resistive touchscreen will keep costs down.The drawbacks are that some people believe that they aren too sensitive, as the tablet has to wait a few instants for your finger or stylus to make the connection between layers. starzmart